
I have been at the library all day today, reading stuff, discovering that books on business Russian do not tell you how to format a CV, procrastinating over at Nervousness, and gawking at people in the library. It's only the second day of term so there aren't that many people here at which to gawk. I could muster up a coherent narrative for you or describe some of the library regulars or tell you that I really enjoyed Carol Any's book on Eikhenbaum (I did. You should read it too!) but I want to go home and see K. and eat black bean soup and corn bread. If you're feeling shafted (although I don't know why you would be in light of my preference for short posts), go here and read this post. This is my favourite of K.'s baby-crack blogs and I'm relieved to know that I can be childless and still be a productive member of society. I wonder, though, if I can remain catless and still be a productive member of society. -Zh.


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