

...for now, at least. I'm not feeling very motivated at the moment. My mind is focused on other things, mainly on E. F. Burian and K. H. Mácha with random thoughts about The Daily Show ("Why is it on so late here?" "Why are there interviews?") and figuring out tables so that the blog looks nice again sneaking in when my concentration lapses. Once I get part of my reconstruction of May down on paper, I'll return with some thoughts on the Juráček retrospective, which ends on Saturday and perhaps I'll be able to spin something deeper out of the games I'm playing with the Czechoslovak Avant-Garde at the moment. Count on the former, don't expect the latter, because I'm tired of humanist lingo; it says nothing anymore. -Zh.

Things to Ponder

Life without Don Cherry
Porn and the Novel
Life in a Medieval English Town (via lii)
Is a cup of Chicha really enough?
Why does John Harkness still have a job? Does he work for free?


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