
Regarding Doctor. S.: the "S" is in no way connected with his actual last name, the "S" is for "Schwarzenegger" in honour of his rather thuggish appearance.

In my search for aesthetically pleasing things and out of my horrible habit of following the links, I found this photoblog via The Guardian's website and their survey of British blogging. Also mentioned was Belle de jour, which is funny. I was a bit disappointed, however, with the picks for best design, both the winner and the runner-up were on the lack-luster side. Then again, I'm still using a Blogger template, so who am I to complain? For the best of British blogs, click here. Of course, the absence of my friend's website is a miscarriage of justice and a half. Unless her site shouldn't be considered a blog, in which case it should have at least earned a special citation, something like "Oh if only this were a blog the award listing would be complete" sort of thing.

Two more sleeps until ice fishing! -Zh.


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