
Keeping Track IV

Order transcripts from four different universities
Ask for two letters of recommendation
Photocopy first page of passport
Complete application
Write research proposal in English
Translate research proposal into another language
Write policy relevance essay in English
Write archive list in English
Write archive list in another language
Update CV in Engilsh
Translate CV into another language
Photocopy everything listed after my passport five times.
Mail the damn thing

I had planned on mailing this on Tuesday via Expresspost but the delivery standard is one day too long. Now I know that the Eastern Seaboard is not a uniform thing for Canada Post. While it's probably a good thing I checked before working my butt off to dot the i's and cross the t's, it does mean that I'll have to Purolator the bloody thing. I'm out thirty extra bucks. Oh well. At least I get to go to bed at a reasonable hour for the rest of the week. And that reasonabl hour is right about now. Good-night folks! -Zh.


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