
Not Really

I just finished proofreading the articles for an on-line endeavor I occasionally help out with for what feels like the gazillionth time. Our webmaster, an obstinate, lazy, and incompetent fellow, seems to delight in creating mistakes while fixing others. Don't worry, I didn't pick the webmaster. He answers to the ring leader, an obstinate bully, and to the ring leader alone, which means that getting the webmaster to do anything for me is well-nigh impossible. And now that he knows that I know enough HTML to understand that his job isn't difficult, but rather boring and that he very simply sucks at it, getting him to do work is impossible. The last thing I checked was a general letter from the editor. It contains the following sentence: "We hope that you enjoy reading this as much as we enjoyed editing it." It should really say, "We hope that you enjoy reading this far more than we enjoyed editing it." Oh well, one more week before I can send in my resignation letter. And that was not me indulging in hyperbole. -Zh.


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