
The Alpha and Omega, or DOSTI DOSTOJEVSKÉHO!

Although I need to check the King James for the presence or lack of a definite article before "omega," the title of this post minus the "ENOUGH DOSTOEVSKII" bit is the title of my dissertation. This is a heck of a lot sexier than "The Image of the Romantic Poet in Prague and Moscow in the 1930s." The two alphas and omegas under discussion are, of course, Karel Hynek Mácha and Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin. They were the beginning and the end in 1930 and they are, I believe, still starting and finishing all things, although if the publication of translations of Russian works into English are any indication of alphas and omegas, then Dostoevskii must be all things in Russian literature. Tingle Alley links to two articles about Dostoevskii: one about a new translation of The Idiot because we desperately need another translation of Dostoevskii and another one about Nabokov's mocking of Dostoevskii in the English-language version of Despair. Dolinin, the author of the article on Nabokov, is a smart man. Enjoy! -Zh.


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