
Just got home a little while ago from our weekly grocery store expedition. We have a well-established grocery shopping routine (doesn't everyone?): on Sunday afternoons we sit down and figure out what we want to eat that week, write up a list, and head over to the local No Frills (no, that's not a pseudonymn or clever nickname) at about four to buy the stuff. Today, the store was an absolute zoo, we assume because of the annual One Dollar Sale. Want some processed crap for $1? You've come to the right place. Go ahead and fill up your cart with ready-to-eat soup, Doritos, and Mars bars, you lazy bum. yum. Anyway, the store was full of stupid, clumsy, slow people, and it was one of the most frustrating and irritating grocery trips in a while.

In happy food news, I bought a new cookbook this week, one I've been coveting for a while: HomeBaking by Jeffrey Alford and Naomi Duguid (the same couple who did Hot, Salty, Sour, Sweet). The book is gorgeous, of course, but even better, I want to try almost every single recipe. I'll post the results of my taste-testing. -K.


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