
Dinner tonight was Supper Squash and Bean Soup from the Canadian Living Soups and Stews cookbook. The squash is always replaced with sweet potatoes when we make this because the first time we made it we had sweet potatoes to use up. The soup still looks the same, however: bright orange sweet potatoes, green-green collards, red pepper, white beans, little chunks of dark red prosciutto, and black olives. It is one of the few soups that looks as good as it tastes. Although we love it, we'll probably stop making it after we move. The chic-chic deli/bulk food place around the corner sells prosciutto ends for less than two bucks Canadian, which is now about fifty bucks US (although before Bush I think that a toonie would have been worth about a nickel). It seems like a waste to use good prosciutto in a soup.

This will be our last meal at home for the rest of the week. Tomorrow we're off to see the ballet: Glen Tetley's Alice and Balanchine's Serenade, which K. has never seen and which I think I've only seen on television. (Bonus: No Kudelka piece on the program!) This means that we will be eating shameful food tomorrow. Not that shameful! McCrap is out of the question. Friday we're going to the ROM and then we'll eat at who knows where. Actually, my bet is on the hotdog vendor outside the main entrance, although K. is leaning towards Indian. -Zh.

P.S. According to the Blogger spellcheck, "hotdog" does not exist, but "hotdogs" do.


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