Academia, or The Last Bastion of Cultural Imperialism
As I mentioned before there are several other boot camps running simultaneously with Russian Boot Camp and each boot camp has its own cultural activies in which one must participate like choirs, drama clubs, and cough poetry clubs. Since just participating is these activities isn't enough, each respective activity must also perform. Tonight is the Russian Boot Camp concert. Of course only things Russian are allowed tonight. Sunday is the All Other Boot Camps concert. The event should be Russian-free but today the powers that be distrubuted a memo requesting some Russian content for the Sunday concert. Ah, academia (6). The last bastion of Russian cultural imperialism (5). For my Russian-knowledge readers, the numbers in parentheses indicate the intonation patters for the preceding sentence. For my non-Russian-knowledge readers, get me drunk sometime and I'll tell you all about Russian intonation patterns. You might even hear a complete rendition of "The Kartina Text." Honour bright! -Zh.
UPDATE: Everyone acquitted themselves handsomely. The highlights included a toy train being thrown at Anna Karenina, a colleague who will forever be associated with "likvidirovan" (It's a cognate. Say it aloud. Think a bit. See, you do know some Russian.), and an impromtu performance of a Zoopark song by some guy no one knows.
UPDATE: Everyone acquitted themselves handsomely. The highlights included a toy train being thrown at Anna Karenina, a colleague who will forever be associated with "likvidirovan" (It's a cognate. Say it aloud. Think a bit. See, you do know some Russian.), and an impromtu performance of a Zoopark song by some guy no one knows.
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