
This Time Enough. Really.

I've said this before and I'll say it again: There is more to Czech literature than les boys: Kundera, Klíma, and Hável. Jan Culik agrees but we've reached the same conclusion following different trains of thought. His framework is defined by relevancy and politics, which in many ways accounted for the initial success of all three writers. My framework is based more on aesthetics. In my opinion, now may be the time to discount one of them (Klíma) because no matter what his political merits are, he is, to put it bluntly, not a very good writer and to admit that the best works of the other two are in their distant past. Hável's past is far more distant than Kundera's, however. I still hold out hope for the appearence of another great Kundera novel (link via Cestlit) -Zh.


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