Movie Post with Obligatory Dodgeball Reference.
Although I still unapologetically adore Dodgeball, I've been urged to watch some high-brow stuff. I'm going to give Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind a shot this weekend and in a couple of weeks, I'm planning on doing something I haven't done in ages: a double-header at the Cinematheque Ontario to see this and this. -Zh.
P.S. If you're reading this, baby brother of mine, a DVD copy of Dodgeball would make an excellent belated Christmas gift. You could slip in some Monty Python for K.? Well, that's more for me too. Ummm...Singin' in the Rain or The Red Shoes would probably do. You're smart, you'll think of something.
P.S. If you're reading this, baby brother of mine, a DVD copy of Dodgeball would make an excellent belated Christmas gift. You could slip in some Monty Python for K.? Well, that's more for me too. Ummm...Singin' in the Rain or The Red Shoes would probably do. You're smart, you'll think of something.
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